A Brand New Home at the Same Old Address!
The original home was built in the early 1900’s and additions were added on as the family grew.
Lee Sykes met with these Des Moines, Iowa homeowners to discuss siding options. The homeowners had already received a couple of bids and they wanted to speak with Midwest Construction because one of their friends used them.
After comparing all of the estimates, these homeowners gave Lee Sykes a call to go ahead with the siding project. Midwest Construction was about 15% higher than the other bids but when the homeowners went over all of the estimates Midwest Construction was offering a lot more for their money.
Most siding companies will just wrap the house with house wrap then install the siding. Midwest Construction offered Progressive Foam Pro fold over the top of the house wrap to provide more insulation, window and door tape to prevent any water or air infiltration.
You can check out Progressive Foam Products at
https://progressivefoam.com/Midwest Construction! We’ve been improving the exteriors of homes since 1958; over 60 years and here is our secret! Ready?
To experience our services first hand, risk free, come visit our showrooms – one in Mason City, IA and the other in Grimes – where you’ll be able to inspect full-size Oasis All Season Sun Rooms, Siding and full size window displays...
With 2 offices: 1601 South Taft in Mason City, Iowa 50401 and 2021 SE 44th Court in Grimes, Iowa 50111 serving the entire state of Iowa.
2021-SE 44th Court - Grimes, Iowa 50111 1601-South Taft - Mason City, Iowa 50401
Our highly-trained, certified, and courteous professional installation crews will be there to provide you with latest in water and air management techniques and customized services – bringing you results that exceed your expectations...
We’ll guide you through the entire process, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process that’s low on stress and high on value – guaranteed!
Call Midwest Construction today at 1-800-925-6664 for a free consultation and no-obligation quote, or fill out a quote request form at https://www.mwcinc.com/quote/ to schedule a no-charge exact cost!
That’s right...since 1958 – that’s over 60 years of dedicated service and experience working for you!
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