Altoona, Iowa 50001
Midwest Construction helped these homeowners update the exterior of their home by adding LEDGESTONE VENEER MANUFACTURED STONE by ProVia.
The home was 15 years old. The original vinyl siding on the home was premium grade insulated vinyl siding with a lifetime non fade protection. It made no sense to reside the entire home when they just wanted to add some stone to get a more updated look.


ProVia Ledgestone Susquehanna - Color: Buff with beige grout

Irregular and imperfect
Jagged, rough, and random in size and shape, our Ledgestone veneer profile’s imperfect surfaces and earthy brown and gray hues are so authentic looking, you’d swear they were quarried naturally. Dramatic shadows between the individual stones of Ledgestone veneer change with the sun’s position, giving this style a fluid and striking curb appeal. Dry stacking and grouting can offer even more design options.
Rustic and romantic
Offered in a multitude of rich, earthy shades, Ledgestone veneer can be paired with a wide variety of siding colors or used to re-face your home’s whole exterior.
Choose your desired effect
The color of grout you pair with your manufactured stone can make a significant impact on the overall look of your stone veneer. Selecting a complementary grout color can soften the contrast of your manufactured stone application, while choosing a contrasting grout color can create a more dramatic effect. We’ve covered this topic in greater detail in our blog article:

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